Friday, February 18, 2011

Education... Rewarding and Draining

Teaching takes the starch out of a person. Yes, teaching is rewarding, we get to meet and help other, fellow human beings. However, it’s also a completely draining experience. I remember when I first started teaching a class of 31 – 33 sixth graders. I would come home completely wiped out. I virtually had no energy for discussions, for doing anything, for going any where. Nothing has changed.
As an administrator, it’s the same experience, but most of the interactions are dealing with problems. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. You have to reason with children and adults (teachers and parents) constantly. Thankfully, as an administrator I still have plenty of opportunity to teach as well, but the grey hair is multiplying. It’s electrifying!

Emotions run the gamut. One of our faculty’s most upbeat, happy personalities has left us today. How sad? I literally shed tears, she is so kind, caring and patient, and always has a happy smile. Now she is on to her own business where she can make a lot more money than in a public school setting. Sad.

A student came in and may be seriously injured, possibly cracked ribs. Other students all came worried, and worse, I fear another student pushed the injured student on purpose. Yes, we even have to deal with the criminal element. Worry.

I gave away little toys to students who are well behaved and saved “Eagle Bucks.” I also gave away prizes to children who were good and their names were drawn out of a hat. The utter joy in these kids who receive nothing more than a “slap bracelet,” special pen or a piece of candy is so fun. Happy.

I had to bolt four large shelves to the wall, and hang acoustic panels with a drill, masonry bits and wall anchors. Un-string an extension cord from the ceiling, and get my safety manual in order for a safety inspection. Physical labor.

This is just little parts of one day! There is so much more, phone calls, complaints, worry for my secretary, worry especially for one of my teachers, hope for the fledgling music aspect of Adams, and the list goes on and on. One day!
I worked I the Forest Service, surveying through the roughest terrain the United States has to offer. I fought forest fires for many years – education is MUCH more draining. It’s the formation and building of lives. No wonder it’s draining!

1 comment:

  1. You may not have to worry about the gray hair once the dragon makes it's way around the building.
